NDLEA Salary

NDLEA Salary 2024, Ranks And Allowances

NDLEA Salary 2024, Ranks And Allowances. Ndlea which means National Drug Law Enforcement Agency is one of the paramilitary organization in Nigeria. This agency is the one in charge of drug policy and control in Nigeria. To explain it better, the Agency has the mandate to curtail illicit production, importation, exportation, sale and trafficking of […]

Federal fire service salary

Fire Service Salary 2024, Ranks And Allowance (FFS)

Federal fire service is an agency in Nigeria which is tasked with bringing professional development for the fire and rescue services in the Country. This simply means that this agency is responsible for rescue fire prevention, mitigation, fire fighting as well as paramedical and information services and also protecting life and property in the event […]

ICPC salary

ICPC Salary Structure 2024, Ranks And Allowance

ICPC Salary Structure 2024, Ranks And Allowance. The ICPC which means The Independent Corrupt Practices and Other Related Offences Commission is an agency in Nigeria which was inaugurated on the 29th of September, 2000 by the former President Olusegun Obasanjo. The Agency work is to fight corruption in Nigeria just like the EFCC but they […]

Bsc rank in Custom

BSC Rank In Custom And Salary 2024

BSC certificate holders who join the custom service has a specific rank which is given to them when they join the service. Just like any other Paramilitary organization in Nigeria, The custom service has divided their ranks according to qualifications. This simply means that the rank which is given to SSCE certificate holders will not […]


Immigration Salary With Diploma And Rank 2024

What Is the immigration salary with diploma certificate? This is one of the things those who have national diploma certificate and have interest in joining the immigration service do ask. In this post we will be discussing the immigration salary with diploma and also the immigration rank with diploma. What we mean by immigration salary […]

Immigration Salary For SSCE

Immigration Salary For SSCE And Rank 2024

Immigration Salary For SSCE And Rank 2024. Those with SSCE certificate who wants to join the Nigeria Immigration service will like to know how much is paid is paid to them. The good thing about the Nigeria immigration Service is that they start paying their members right from training, this simply means before you even […]

Difference between EFCC and ICPC

Difference Between EFCC And ICPC And Similarities

The difference between EFCC and ICPC is one of the questions our readers has asked in recent times. Before we discuss about the difference between these two agencies, we will first explain what they stand for andtheir functions. From there alone, You can simply know their difference from Explaining their functions. Because of the fight […]

NCE Rank In Custom

NCE Rank In Custom And Salary 2024

The Nigeria Customs Service which is also referred to as NCS is a very important paramilitary organization in Nigeria responsible for regulating and promoting trade, revenue collection, and border security in Nigeria. In this post we will be taking about the NCE Rank In Custom And Salary 2024. Among all the ranks in the Nigeria […]

NCE Rank In Civil Defence

NCE Rank In Civil Defence And Salary 2024 (NSCDC)

The NCE holders are not left out in the Civil Defence recruitment. NCE certificate holders who join the Civil Defence are always placed at certain rank and they are also paid different salary. In this post we will be discussing about the NCE Rank in Civil Defence and salary that is paid to them. Civil […]